We are taking steps to boost business in the retail sector with the draft Albury Retail Action Plan 2022 - 2026.
The creation of an updated Retail Action Plan will help us better respond to the impact of all the changes that have been occurring across our city, both pre and post pandemic.
Four objectives have been identified that will be the focus areas for Council’s support of the retail sector. Actions grouped in these areas respond to the issues, challenges and opportunities identified by the research and consultation described in the draft Retail Action Plan.
The four objectives of the Action Plan are:
- Improve walkability
- Build capacity
- Remove barriers
- Enhance engagement
Council is pleased to present our draft Albury Retail Action Plan for your review.

Chat with us and learn more about the Albury Retail Action Plan at a drop in session.
DATE: Thursday 6 October
TIME: 8am to 10am
LOCATION: BusinessHUB, Albury Business Connect, Suite 6/512 Swift Street Albury
We welcome your feedback on the draft Albury Retail Action Plan.
Submissions will be received until 5:00 pm Tuesday 25 October 2022 (extended to 5.00pm Tuesday 8 November 2022) and can be submitted via the form below or addressed to the Economic Development Team, PO Box 323 Albury NSW 2640 or info@alburycity.nsw.gov.au
Remember, submissions are not confidential. Your submission, summaries of submissions, and/or names and addresses of people who make submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council and Council's website.
Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.