We are taking steps to make our city centres more inclusive, safe and prosperous with a review of the Albury and Lavington Central Business District (CBD) Master Plans as well as preparing an updated Retail Action Plan.
Project objectives
Our current CBD Master Plans (2009) laid some great groundwork for enhancing our city centres, and a lot has been achieved, but we know there is more that can be done.
Refreshing the Master Plans for Albury and Lavington CBDs will help us better respond to the impact of all the changes that have been occurring across our city, both pre and post pandemic.
We want to respond to any issues that people are currently experiencing and inspire new ideas for action that make our business centres better for everyone who lives, works, or visits our city centres.
Together, the new Albury and Lavington City Centre Master Plans will:
- Review our planning controls to ensure they are appropriately guiding and supporting new residential, retail and commercial growth;
- Find out how we can further improve visitor and residents’ experiences in our public realm, open spaces and streetscapes;
- Recommend new project initiatives for the future of our city centre over the short, medium and longer term.

Quick Survey
What do you like most about our city centres? If you could change just one thing about our city centres, what would it be? This could be in central Albury, Lavington, or one of our smaller retail centres.