Statement of Intent - Joint Tender Release
The Councils of AlburyCity, City of Wodonga, Federation Council, Indigo Shire, Greater Hume Shire, Leeton Shire, Berrigan Shire, and Edward River are planning a joint procurement process for the provision of kerbside collection services, including the collection, disposal, and processing of residential waste for their respective municipal areas. This group of Councils intends to release a joint Request for Tender (RFT) to the market in early 2022 for a long-term contract, effective from 1 July 2024 onwards.
The Councils seek to notify industry service providers in advance, of their intention to release a joint RFT as well as engage with industry participants to ascertain their level of interest, and readiness for tendering. This will enable the final design of the RFT to be informed by industry waste management operators and subject matter experts. Councils wish to identify and consider industry trends, market structural changes, innovation, environmental, social, economic, and political impacts that have the potential to affect future service aspects of the regional contract.
Only some matters may be relevant to some industry participants so we ask that you complete those relevant areas within your organisation's knowledge, capacity and capabilities.
These questions are provided within the Statement of Intent and in advance for detailed responses to be prepared prior to and returned via completing the Market Information Survey found below.
The Councils value the time and effort from industry participants in responding to this survey and will review all feedback provided for the RFT process and proposed timeline as this information is instrumental to the future direction of this proposal.
Select the link in the Document Library for further information on the current status of participating Councils, along with other relevant information to assist with your responses.