
In February 2007 Council endorsed the Murray River Experience Master Plan. The Primary objectives of the plan were to

  • Strengthen the relationship between the community and the Murray River
  • Provide greater access to the Murray River
  • Provide quality amenities in all open spaces
  • Promote and develop a diversity of experiences
  • Significantly improve the health of the Murray River

The following sites are included in the Master Plan

  • Wonga Wetlands
  • West Albury Parks (Padman Park, Treatment Works and Mates Park)
  • Central Albury Riverside Parks
  • Doctors Point Picnic Area
  • Mungabareena Reserve & Eastern Hill
  • Lake Hume Reserves
  • Bowna Reserve
  • Table Top Reserve

What we've done

Since endorsement of the Master plan the main focus has been on improvements in the Albury Central Riverside Parks.

The following major projects have been completed:

  • Construction of Oddies Creek Play Space (including stage 2)
  • Major infrastructure improvements around Noreuil Park Foreshore
  • Creation of the Wood Fired Oven
  • Kremur Street Boat Ramp
  • Streambank revetment work
  • Yindamarra Sculpture Walk (originally X art pieces and a further XX artpieces added in 2022)
  • Construction of X kilomtres of Wagirra trail linking Union Bridge to Wonga Wetlands
  • Wonga Wetlands Master Plan
  • Mungabareena Reserve Aboriginal Place
  • Albury Botanic Gardens Master Plan

What we're up to

Works in progress include:

  • Albury Riverside Precinct (Construction)
  • Wonga Wetlands Visitor Education Centre (detailed design)
  • Australia Park Car Park (Detailed design)
  • Eastern Hill Activation Plan (draft and public exhibition)

Our Murray River Experience Master Plan

As our city grows, so do our needs for play, interaction with nature, relaxation and recreation, and the opportunity to socialise in outdoor spaces. The location of Albury on the Murray River provides an opportunity to plan our green spaces across our city, bringing a touch of nature to the urban environment and connecting our community through these spaces.

The Murray River Experience Master Plan review commenced in 2020. Chrofi/McGregor Coxall was engaged to undertake the two-part review:

Part A – Review of the Murray River Experience

  • What is complete
  • What are we doing?
  • What aren’t we doing?
  • What is the next priority
  • This section also includes site specific master plan for Apex Park and options for the next stages of Wagirra Trail.

Part B – Updated conceptual master plan of the Central Riverside Parks which includes

  • Albury Sports Ground
  • Albury Swim Centre
  • AlburyCity Depot in Wodonga Place
  • AlburyCity Parks Depot on Smollett Street
  • Wodonga Place between Hume and Smollett Street

A Have your Say process was undertaken in Early 2021. The submissions received and responses are attached and where appropriate included in the MRE review.

To assist in the public exhibition process the master plan can be viewed via each of the sites or by downloading the two documents

Part A – Review of the Murray River Experience

Part B – Updated conceptual master plan of the Central Riverside Parks

  • Wonga Wetlands

    Wonga Wetlands is located 5 minutes west of the Albury CBD. A number of actions have been completed including the Wonga Wetlands Tourism Product Development Master Plan 2014. Two major infrastructure projects are ongoing. They are:

    • Construction of twelve kilometres of Wagairra Trail around Wonga Wetlands (Scheduled to be completed in 2022/23)
    • Wonga Wetlands Visitor Education Centre – detailed design phase
  • West Albury Parks

    Riverside parks between Bungambrawatha Creek and Horseshoe Lagoon has seen some major improvements that has significantly increased visitation to the area.

    • Kremur Street Boat Ramp and Car Parking (2012)
    • Construction of Wagirra Trail through the site including river viewing points
    • Yindyamarra Sculpture walk (stage 1 and 2 total sculptures) along the Wagirra Trail
    • Establishment of Flying fox colony in Padman Park (relocated from the Albury Botanic Gardens)
    • Significant weed removal through the site

  • Central Riverside Parks

    Central Albury Riverside Parks encompasses land from Bungambrawatha Creek through to Union Bridge and bound by Wodonga Place, Dean Street and part of Thurgoona Drive. The area is Albury’s primary access to the Murray River and includes the following open space areas:

    • Albury Botanic Gardens
    • Albury Sports Ground
    • Albury Swim Centre
    • Hovell Tree Park
    • Noreuil Park Oval
    • Noreuil Park Foreshore
    • Oddies Creek Park
    • Australia Park (includes Turks Head and associated buildings)
  • Doctors Point Picnic Area

    Small local bushland park adjacent to Normans Lagoon in Doctors Point, East Albury. No significant works have been undertaken to date. The only improvement is the installation of a picnic table.

  • Mungabareena Reserve and Eastern Hill

    In the 2007 Murray River Experience included a high level concept plan for Mungabareena Reserve and Eastern Hill. Since this time Mungabareena Reserve has been declared an Aboriginal Place (2016) and a management plan adopted. In addition, Council has endorsed the Draft Eastern Hill Activation Plan with the final version scheduled to be presented in 2023 for adoption.

  • Lake Hume Reserves

    Only minor works have occurred at Lake Hume since the endorsement of the Murray River Experience Master Plan in 2007. A significant change has been made to Apex park due to the removal of the dead pine trees which posed significant Risks. Planning is underway for replacement toilet block at Lake Hume Village and investigation and feasibility of shared pathway that will link Lake Hume Village to Apex Park and beyond.

  • Bowna Waters Reserve

    No significant works have occurred at Bowna Reserve since the endorsement of the Murray River Experience Master Plan. Minor works have included fencing along the roadway in an attempt to restrict vehicle access points to the waters edge and the removal of two mown seated area.

    As Thurgoona/Wirlinga expands the reserve will be more accessible by pedestrian and cyclists therefore the extension of the shared trail along Table Top Road to Bowna should be a priority project.

  • Table Top Reserve

    Table Top Reserve is a small local Lake Hume Park with low visitation that mainly service the rural community or community members that travel via car. Improvements have included reducing maintained area (with vegetation works of previously maintained area), placement of rock barrier to restrict vehicle access, new public toilet, playground and park furniture.

We welcome your feedback on the DRAFT Murray River Experience Master Plan. Submissions will be received until 5:00 pm Friday .............. and can be submitted via the form above or addressed to:

Team Ledear Parks & Recreation, PO Box 323 Albury NSW 2640 or

Submission are not confidential. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council and Council's website.

Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.