Project Overview
The Eastern Hill Activation Master Plan seeks to provide an aspirational and practical vision which sensitively balances future activation while protecting the Reserves unique natural character. The Master Plan has broadened the definition of activation to include physical, ecological and spiritual activation as a means of achieving this balanced solution.
You can review the Master Plan here: Eastern Hill Activation Master Plan
The Eastern Hill Activation Master Plan was endorsed by Council on 27 November 2023. As part of the Council resolution, our people were asked to:
"Undertake a Biodiversity Assessment and a full Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment (including consideration of tangible and intangible heritage) prior to any detailed design".
Under the Environmental and Planning Assessment Act 1979 and the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, AlburyCity has an obligation to assess biodiversity and cultural heritage features and values prior to any works commencing and plan so that impacts to these values are avoided and minimized wherever possible.
We have now engaged qualified consultants to undertake the biodiversity and cultural heritage assessments.
These assessments will identify significant biodiversity values and cultural heritage features (both tangible and intangible) that may be impacted by any project contained within the Master Plan with information gathered used to inform future planning and designs prior to implementation.
How can you help?
To assist our consultants to gather this critical information, we are asking our community to provide relevant information on the area's biodiversity or cultural heritage values that may be contained within the study area.
Only comments regarding biodiversity or cultural heritage will be provided to the consultant for review, assessment and inclusion into the Assessment Reports.
How can I provide my information?
There are two ways to provide information on biodiversity or cultural heritage values on Eastern Hill.
1. You can indicate your particular features or values by "dropping a pin" on the map and providing a brief summary of the value or what you may have identified.
2. You can simply write a response in the box provided.
Your comments will be provided to the consultants for review and assessment to provide additional context on the values of the Eastern Hill site.
The Have your Say page will be open until 5 February 2025.
Would you like to add something else?
Add additional information on biodiversity or cultural heritage values or features here.