The Albury landscape is diverse and offers potential for a variety of accessible experiences for mountain biking. AlburyCity has identified that mountain biking is a growing sport locally and we want to ensure trail and facility development is undertaken in a sustainable way.
In November 2021 we concluded a Have Your Say consultation where feedback was sought to get a clearer picture of the local rider and understand exactly what they want. This information has been used to develop the draft Strategy.
Albury will be a vibrant hub of mountain biking activity and a must ride destination for locals and visitors alike. The region’s unique attributes will provide a diverse suite of sustainable riding opportunities while recognising and respecting ecological and cultural values.
The draft strategy provides an overview of the mountain biking industry including trends, trail types, supporting infrastructure required and economic benefits.
There are four key opportunities that have been identified for mountain bike trail and facility development in Albury. These key opportunities, and associated prioritised actions, will provide a core suite of diverse riding experiences which will engage local riders and entice visitors:
- Protection of Environmental and Cultural Values - Ensure trail development minimises impacts and where possible improves existing values.
- Quality Trails and Infrastructure – Develop a suite of sustainable mountain bike experiences which respond to identified demand and current trends.
- Collaboration & Community – Strengthen the mountain biking community and foster strong connections between key stakeholders.
- Planning & Management – Establish sustainable governance and management models.

The proposed new suite of mountain bike trails and facilities will establish Albury Wodonga as a regionally significant mountain bike trail destination.
We welcome your feedback on the draft Strategy. Submissions will be received until 5:00 pm Thursday 1 July 2021 and can be submitted via the form above or addressed to:
Parks and Recreation, PO Box 323 Albury NSW 2640 or
Submission are not confidential. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council and Council's website.
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