Frequently Asked Questions

DIAP stands for Disability Inclusion Action Plan.

We believe it is important that our community is accessible to all people, and developing a new DIAP is one of the ways we can make sure that happens.

AlburyCity developed its first DIAP in 2017 and this plan is coming to an end. It is important that we update the plan to ensure it captures and reflects the community’s current and future priorities. We also have completed a number of actions that were in the last plan, so we need to develop a new set of actions to work towards.

The DIAP will guide AlburyCity’s future strategic plans to ensure that access and inclusion are integrated into all levels of AlburyCity’s operations.

AlburyCity is responsible for developing the DIAP based on the feedback we receive from the community and the requirements under the NSW Disability Inclusion Plan. The implementation of some actions will be the responsibility of AlburyCity, but others may be the responsibility or other organisations or groups that we work with.

We will collect information via surveys, meetings and through workshopping ideas with the Albury Access Committee.

The information collected from the survey will help AlburyCity identify and understand the challenges that people living with a disability face in the community. This information will be used to set priorities for the DIAP 2022-2026.

A draft DIAP will be presented to Council in early 2022 and then will go on public exhibition which is an opportunity for the community to provide feedback on the draft DIAP. The implementation will commence from 1 July 2022 until 30 June 2026.

You can contact our Community Development Team by calling 02 6023 8111 or emailing

You can fill in the online survey (link), print a copy of the survey, collect a copy from AlburyCity Administration Building or request a copy of the survey be posted to you by calling AlburyCity 02 6023 811 or emailing

If you require support completing the survey, you can contact Meredith Wallace, Community Development Officer on 02 6023811 or email: