We're reviewing our Community Engagement Policy and Procedure to demonstrate our commitment to engaging with the community.
We want you to have a say on council decisions that affect you.
The Policy and Procedure will demonstrate our commitment to facilitating genuine and transparent opportunities for our community to provide feedback and inform the decisions made by AlburyCity.
There are certain aspects of our approach that are non-negotiables based on Office of Local Government NSW requirements which includes that our approach to community engagement will be based on the principles of equity, rights, access and participation (OLG NSW).
We want to know which principles are most important to you for AlburyCity to focus on and prioritise, and whether there are other principles you would like recognised.
We want to know how you want AlburyCity to engage with you, how will opportunities be promoted, what mediums will be available to provide feedback.
Our community has an important role to play in shaping the city where they live. Community engagement is a core component of our planning and decision-making processes and operates as a partnership between Council and our community. We will proactively and consistently engage with the community during the development of plans, policies and projects that have the potential to affect the Albury community. Keeping residents informed, listening to their concerns and involving them in making decisions has a significant impact on the overall satisfaction the community has with us.
AlburyCity recognizes the wealth of knowledge, information and lived experience that community possess and can contribute to our work. We are committed to engaging community early in the decision making process to maximise the opportunity for community input to have a meaningful impact on decisions of both Councilors and AlburyCity employees.
IAP2 International Association of Public Participation Public participation means to involve those who are affected by a decision in the decision - making process. It promotes sustainable decisions by providing participants with the information they need to be involved in a meaningful way, and it communicates to participants how their input affects the decision (source: IAP2 - Australasia ).
IAP2 International Association of Public Participation Public participation means to involve those who are affected by a decision in the decision - making process. It promotes sustainable decisions by providing participants with the information they need to be involved in a meaningful way, and it communicates to participants how their input affects the decision (source: IAP2 - Australasia ).
We want to engage with the community to ensure that our decisions are reflective of their views and ideas.
Community feedback can be valuable in contributing ideas and identifying opportunities for innovation. It can also be useful in identifying previously unidentified problems and risks. By engaging early and working with community to build a shared vision we are creating a platform that enables greater collaboration, respect and support.
AlburyCity employees should be actively looking for opportunities to engagement community in all projects or decisions that may affect them.
Some examples include:
- Planning for our future – Community Strategic Plan reviewed every four years.
- How we operate – Budget, Operational plans, Council policies
- How we manage community services – Council run sport and recreation facilities, community development, waste/water strategies/standards
- Developments – DAs
- Approach to innovation – New strategies and ways of doing things
- Future for our public spaces – Development of new Master Plans
Some council activities require community engagement activities be undertaken under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. We have a Community Participation Plan that sets out our commitments under this Act in relation to Development Consent and Strategic Planning functions.