A series of aging bus shelters in North Albury and Lavington will be rejuvenated by mural art!
We invite community members in the area to meet with the artist, or submit what you would like the artist to include in the murals. Two of the shelters are:
Shelter A – on Mate Street after Swan Street, North Albury (Stop ID: 2640130)
Shelter B – on Calimo Street after Wantigong Street, North Albury (Stop ID: 26404)
The engagement opportunities are:
- Shelter A - artist meet up
- Shelter B - online submission
Shelter A
For Shelter A, come over and have a chat with artist Reuben Boughtwood. Reuben would love to hear about your stories and take some photographs (we will seek consent from you if there is a headshot).
To participate, please contact Cultural Activation Team directly, by 12 March, 2023 and briefly let us know about yourself.
All residents in North Albury and Lavington are welcome to apply!

Banna Lane Festival, 2021, by Reuben Boughtwood
Shelter B
For Shelter B, tell us what you like to be included in the mural, whether it is an activity, an object or a personal feeling. Just simply fill out the form below.
Please note that when taking feedback and deciding on which themes to be included, we prioritise those who reside in the closest areas to the targeted shelters, so don’t forget to put in your street name below (street number not required).

Luxpod Apartment Building Lobby Mural, 2020, by Squid Morgan